A 2014 Nutshell by DisneyBride

I can't believe it has been just over 2 years since DisneyGroom and I began this blog, and this running journey odyssey.

During 2013 DG and I must have have signed up for every single race we heard of - as our race calendar was jam-packed.

In 2014 things took a different turn. We both scaled back.  Me more than him.  This year, he has twice the number of medals I do. And I have taken on a lot more volunteering at races - in several different capacities.  In fact, I'm harboring crazy notions of being a race director some day, and perhaps even a race photographer when I am no longer able to run.

I still find Race Day very exciting. I've just realized that sometimes I'm perfectly okay with cheering and working from the sidelines.  

And the races I did run? Well, I worked hard for that race bling. I'm proud of every last one of these medals - and I cherish the memories attached to each.

My 2014 Race Bling

There were many high points and happy moments.  But there were a few not-so-great (at the time, but great in retrospect) ones too. 

Two of the toughest events of my life took place this year: a single-track trail half marathon  and a Spartan Race. I never got around to writing recaps of those - as I was left mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted by both. And that lingered longer than I wish it had. But I will get to a write-up eventually.

As I've taken on other activities in my life after work (animal rescue ... and one I haven't mentioned through the blog, but takes up a big chunk of time -- I'm on the planning committee for the Inaugural North Florida VegFest), the training and the blogging has definitely suffered.  But I do still have some BIG goals for 2015 and 2016 (a full marathon, a Ragnar, and a 70.3 Ironman) - and then of course races that will be purely for fun (Gasparilla, Expedition Everest, Wine & Dine.. and the other runDisney events).

DG and some of our local race-obsessed friends ask me constantly to sign up for more races.  It's a running joke actually.  But like many things in life, priorities and whims ebb and flow.  

DG is a social butterfly, so he does his training runs and races with a pack, and chats the entire time. I am okay with that... sometimes. But my priorities are on quiet, reflective, and long trail hikes with my pup. It's my ME-Time. Yes of course there is running happening when one or both of us feel like it. But that urgency of "I HAVE to get in 7 miles today at such and such pace"  has been removed.  We finish when we finish. 

I'm never going to be fast, but I want to stay injury-free, and I want to keep enjoying what I do. So this formula works for me, at least for now.  

And my whims? Well, those change often - but my heart is constant and loyal to Mickey Mouse. So God-willing, I'll be run/walking his events for a long, long time.

Happy New Year everyone!  
Wishing you all PRs and podium finishes in 2015!

Run Happy!


Anonymous mod

I love that you're finding your own place in running, in the quiet time, in the volunteering and cheering and in the new challenges like Ragnar and Ironman (holy cow!). Keep sharing your part of the story too because it's great.


Love the post. Important to have your own way of how, what, and when you run. Awesome job on completing a Spartan. It's one on my list. Also best of luck on the full, Ragnar and ironman goals. Look forward to following along.

And I think being a race photographer would be fun. Frankly, I've considered that as something fun to do just for races when I don't run them, like a different form of volunteering (if it was like a free race photos thing). Also a good side ide to make some money for race entry fees, haha.


Thank Jessica. I just started following your blog too. ~DB


Thanks John. I think a beginning runner will find it very helpful to stick a bit rigidly to a plan to achieve certain goals. I certainly did for the first year or so. But I don't feel like a rookie anymore, so finding my own rhythm has kept things interesting when I didn't have a race looming. ~DB


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